Mission Statement
Reducing the impact of invasive species in Eastern Iowa through cooperative education, demonstration, and restoration.
The Hawkeye Cooperative Weed Management Area (HCWMA) is a collective group of county, state, and federal agencies, nonprofit organizations and community associations who have come together to combat the invasive species problem in Eastern Iowa. The HCWMA serves Benton, Linn, Jones, Iowa, Johnson and Louisa Counties and is open to all interested parties. The term CWMA, or Cooperative Weed Management Area, refers to a local organization that integrates invasive species management resources across jurisdictional boundaries in order to benefit entire regions.
The Hawkeye Cooperative Weed Management Area provides a forum to share information, collaborate on planning and cooperate on management activities in Eastern Iowa.
Who We Are
Johnson County Secondary Roads
Johnson County Integrated Roadside Management
Iowa Department of Natural Resources (Forestry)
Iowa Department of Natural Resources (State Parks)
Benton County Conservation Board
Linn County Conservation Board
Louisa County Conservation Board
Johnson County Conservation Board
Jones County Conservation Board
Iowa County Conservation Board
Iowa County Soil & Water District
City of Coralville Parks & Recreation
City of North Liberty Parks Department
Why you should worry about weeds:
According to Iowa rules and statutes, noxious weeds are plants that are injurious to public health, the environment, public roads, crops, livestock, and other property. These noxious and invasive plants cause annual economic losses in the billions of dollars for agriculture, natural resources management agencies, and road departments.
Besides the damage to crops, livestock, and range and pasture land, invasive plants are considered to be one of the main causes of native plant and animal extinction. They reduce diversity of native species, degrade habitat and food for wildlife, change plant communities, and alter natural fire regimes. They are also known to prevent establishment of native seedlings, including trees and shrubs, shade out understory plants, out-compete desirable plants for nutrients, moisture, space, and sunlight, and change soil structure and chemistry. Some can be deadly to pets and humans.
By controlling noxious weeds, especially when infestations are small, economic losses can be mitigated, property values and wildlife habitat increased, and the likelihood of illness or injury to humans or livestock reduced.
How you can help:
Learn how to identify the invasive plants that are in your area.
Make sure that seeds are not stuck to your clothes or gear. You don’t want to introduce or spread these plants to other areas!
Do not camp or travel through areas infested with invasive plants, if they can be avoided.
Clean mud or dirt off your vehicle, pets, and even your hiking boots before going onto public lands.
Wash your boat before going to a new lake, river, or stream.
Drive on established roads and ride or hike on designated trails.
Don’t plant invasive species on your land. Find native or non-invasive alternative species to plant instead. Ask your local nursery to stock native plant species.
Volunteer to help inventory or control invasive plants. Early detection and eradication of small infestations and prevention of new infestations are the most cost-effective ways to manage invasive plants. We need your help wiping out invasive plants species.
Pass it on! Tell your friends and family about this problem.
Learn about Invasive Species of Concern in Iowa: